We at PortAventura World will never stop trying to surprise and delight our visitors, even when they think they’ve seen it all before.

We adopt cutting-edge technologies in all of our parks and hotels, pulling out all the stops to ensure that our guests and visitors have a memorable experience. And this Halloween is no exception, with the opening of our mixed reality attraction HYSTERIA IN BOOTHILL!

Want to learn more about this new adventure?

Keep reading and brace yourself for the spookiest of paranormal activities!

A story that will make your blood run cold!

A long time ago, the McGregor family lived peacefully in their beautiful home on Penitence mountain. But one dark stormy night, their very existence disappeared into the ether. No matter how hard rescue teams looked for them, no one could find them. Their bodies had vanished without a trace. Since that fateful night, the souls of the McGregor family have sought help and justice as they’re haunted by otherworldly spirits.

Even the toughest cowboys of the Wild West still shudder when they’re reminded of the McGregor case. Are you brave enough to find out what really happened?

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How can I save the McGregors?

Immerse yourself in the world of the dead with the help of our medium, Madame Bladsky. With our Meta Quest 3 lenses, you’ll be able to communicate with the family’s wandering spirits and find out what really happened that fateful night.

You’ll need to find their bodies so that they can rest in peace, before rushing back to the world of the living before time runs out.

Beside the McGregors, you may also come across spirits of a less friendly disposition. So keep your wits about you and get ready to run!

It’s not real, it’s surreal!

Regardless of how many times you’ve visited us before, this will be the first mixed reality attraction you ever experience at PortAventura Park!

In Hysteria in Boothill, real objects and subjects interact with those of the attraction’s digital environment in real time, shaping a fully immersive adventure that transcends the imagination.

You’ll feel the difference as soon as you put our lenses on! In the blink of an eye, you’ll be transported to a whole new reality in which you’ll experience sensations that you’d never have thought were possible.

Come and experience it for yourself!

The McGregors are waiting for your help. Come and find them before it’s too late!