- PortAventura Park: SésamoAventura
- A great little adventure
- For the little ones
- Hoteles tematizados ubicados en el parque
El Huerto Encantado, a great little adventure
General information
Opening hours
Opening hours
- See available times
Height requirements
Height requirements
- No minimum height
- Exclusive access for people with disabilities and reduced mobility
Did you know...?
Did you know...?
- El Huerto Encantado: this enchanted garden has more than ten types of interactive plants.
A fantasy filled with slides
El Huerto Encantado in the world of SésamoAventura is a traditional playground with lots of slides intertwined in this fun space where little ones go on real adventures.
As they go deeper into El Huerto Encantado, they will discover new slides decorated with smiling pumpkins, apples, bees, and mischievous animals. The little ones will create their own stories with others playing on the slides. It's the most fun way ever to make new friends.
As they go deeper into El Huerto Encantado, they will discover new slides decorated with smiling pumpkins, apples, bees, and mischievous animals. The little ones will create their own stories with others playing on the slides. It's the most fun way ever to make new friends.
The children won’t need much encouragement to whizz down our spectacular slides!
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