- PortAventura Park: SésamoAventura
- SésamoAventura's free fall
- Children's ride
- For the little ones
El Salto de Blas, SésamoAventura's free fall ride
General information
Opening hours
Opening hours
- See available times
Height requirements
Height requirements
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 0.95 m
- Exclusive access for people with disabilities and reduced mobility
Did you know...?
Did you know...?
- El Salto de Blas: the towers also rotate so you can enjoy stunning 360º views.
A made-to-measure free fall
In PortAventura's theme park there is the most famous free fall attraction of them all, but there is also another that you will find in SésamoAventura and is just as spectacular. The children’s free fall ride El Salto de Blas!
Bert, the friendly Sesame Street character, has built two yellow towers in this theme area where you can experience the same feeling as our older visitors, but with a difference: on this attraction, you're in control. Use the rope to pull yourself up and when you think you’re high enough... let yourself drop!
Bert, the friendly Sesame Street character, has built two yellow towers in this theme area where you can experience the same feeling as our older visitors, but with a difference: on this attraction, you're in control. Use the rope to pull yourself up and when you think you’re high enough... let yourself drop!
You can have as many turns as you want whilst the attraction is still going round. When it stops, your turn is over, so don't hesitate, go all the way to the top and experience the feeling of a free fall.
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