- PortAventura Park: México
- Nothing is as it seems
- Mild attraction
- For the bravest
El Secreto de los Mayas, where nothing is as it seems
General information
Opening hours
Opening hours
- See available times
Height requirements
Height requirements
- Under 12s must be accompanied by an adult
Opening hours
Opening hours
- See available times
Height requirements
Height requirements
- Under 12s must be accompanied by an adult
Can you find your way out of the maze?
Let your imagination run wild as you make your way through El Secreto de los Mayas, a 175 m² maze where nothing is as it seems and where the Mayan gods of PortAventura will put you to the test.
Finishing the maze will not be easy because as soon as you enter the temple you will unleash the gods' rage and have to get past all the obstacles, special effects, and challenges to stop the gods from making you lose all sense of orientation.
Finishing the maze will not be easy because as soon as you enter the temple you will unleash the gods' rage and have to get past all the obstacles, special effects, and challenges to stop the gods from making you lose all sense of orientation.
Your mission will be to make it past all the obstacles that lie in your path to reach the maze exit like a great explorer.
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PortAventura World offers you various types of special rates and Express passes to fit in with the experiences you want to live in the parks.
Express Ferrari Land
Express access to 5 attractions.
Allows 1 Express access per attraction.
Allows 1 Express access per attraction.
Express Caribe Aquatic Park
Express access to 6 attractions* Allows unlimited 1-day Express access per attraction.
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Hysteria in Boothill
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Action Mystery
- For young adventurers from 12 years old. Children aged between 12 and 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

- PortAventura Park: Far West
- Thrill ride
- Minimum height: 1.10 m (with an adult) Maximum height: 1.95 m

Templo del Fuego
- PortAventura Park. México
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m

Port De La Drassana
- PortAventura Park. Mediterrània.
- Mild attraction
- No minimum height

Furius baco
- PortAventura Park. Mediterrània.
- Thrill ride
- Minimum height: 1.40 m Maximum height: 1.95 m

Tutuki Splash
- PortAventura Park. Polynesia.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.20 m

- PortAventura Park. Polynesia.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.30 m

Street Mission
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.20 m
Minimum height to ride with an adult: 0.90 m

Kiddie Balloons
- PortAventura Park: China
- Children’s ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 m
Minimum height to ride with an adult: under 1.30 m

Tami Tami
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m

- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- No minimum height, maximum height: 1.20 m

Coco Piloto
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m

El Árbol Mágico
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's attraction
- No minimum height

El Huerto Encantado
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Attraction for children aged 3-12 years Under 3s must be accompanied by an adult
- No minimum height

El Salto De Blas
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 0.95 m

Kiddie Dragons
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Maximum height: 1.30 m

La Granja De Elmo
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.20 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: under 1.20 m

Mariposas Saltarinas
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.05 m

Magic Fish
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.20 m

Sesamoaventura Station
- PortAventura Park. SésamoAventura.
- Mild attraction
- No minimum height

Dragon Khan
- PortAventura Park. China.
- Emotions on a loop
- Minimum height: 1.40 m Maximum height: 1.95 m

Tea Cups
- PortAventura Park. China.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 0.90 m

Cobra Imperial
- PortAventura Park. China.
- Moderate attraction
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: under 1.30 m

Hurakan Condor
- PortAventura Park. México.
- Thrill ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 mMaximum height: 1.95 m

El Diablo Tren De La Mina
- PortAventura Park. México.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 1.10 m

El Secreto De Los Mayas
- PortAventura Park. México.
- Mild attraction
- Under 12s must be accompanied by an adult

Los Potrillos
- PortAventura Park. México.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.15 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: under 1.15 m

Serpiente Emplumada
- PortAventura Park. México.
- Moderate attraction
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m

- PortAventura Park. México.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.30 m

Silver River Flume
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m

- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height: 1.05 m Maximum height: 1.85 m

- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1.30 m

Wild Buffalos
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.40 m Minimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m Maximum height 1.95 m

- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Children's ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.20 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 1.20 m

Crazy Barrels
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Moderate ride
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 1 m

Grand Canyon Rapids
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Moderate attraction
- Minimum height to ride alone: 1.30 mMinimum height to ride with an adult: 1.10 m

Laberinto Blacksmith
- PortAventura Park. Far West.
- Children's attraction
- Maximum height: 1.40 m Minimum height to enter alone: 1 m
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